Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Sims 3 out for consoles

So, I have not bought the game... this is true. However I've been a SIMLOVER since I discovered (the original) SimCity when my dad got it for Christmas one year. Even when the original was an above head view looking down only, I loved the challenge of the game. Building a city, making it prosperous and grow, building roads and then of course the ultimate disaster would strike.. my favorite of course was when Godzilla showed up... who didn't love that?
But, when The Sims came out, I got it for my birthday when I was in high school and have had every addition-- including Sims for DS-- ever since.
I've had at least 4 or 5 expansion packs and watched my old games become obsolete when I upgraded computers, sadly. And then I learned cheats... which I never would have known about had it not been for my husband. I LOVE *MOTHERLODE*! I used it all the time!
Now, I have the Sims3 on our family desktop, but I rarely play it. I love making my character and then making characters of any guy who's ever broken my heart, having him fall in love with me (but not me with him), and then putting him in a pool with no latter to get out or building him into a room with no doors and he dies in there. Which is better than what he would have gotten in real life. Everybody does that right?
But, I don't think I'll be getting Sims3 for the console. It's not because the graphics or bad... I can't comment on them because I haven't seen them. It's because the game has become mundane, at least since the early days of SimCity. There's no surprise in it... they do as I tell them too... or click and instruct them too. There's no surprise monsters, earthquakes or floods. Heck, in the version I have it doesn't even rain or snow. How am I supposed to have a romantic fireside evening with my husband if it doesn't snow?!
EA, don't make it so easy... put some kind of challenge in there! Do you have a suggestion for the creators of the Sims? How would you change it?

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