
The Dark Knight
I was never one for action movies. I've always loved movies like: You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle and Mona Lisa's Smile.
But, my husband drug me to see The Dark Knight and I love it! I've got it on dvd and on blu ray!
There's just something about the way the Heath Ledger plays the Joker that just gets me every time! He's so believable and crazy at the same time. He plays it so well... very similar the way Al Pacino plays the Devil in Devils Advocate.
After watching the Golden Globes and hearing Christian Bale speak with his regular accent.. its SO strange to watch that and hear him speak with his non-English accented, English.
The only thing I'd change?  Give Maggie Gyllenhaal a bra!  PLEASE!  Who was the costume designer for that movie?!  Wasn't there enough movie in the budget to get her a bra?!
  That reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Jake & Maggie have a fight over who's a bigger box office drag.   Geesh!