
Let me start by saying, I don't play shooters.  Before Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare, I had never played a shooter. When I was in college, my younger brothers were playing Modern Warfare and I asked them if I could play... their response?  "You're a girl, you can't play." 
   Years later, in the summer of 2010, my husband got C.O.D, in the mail from Gamefly.  This was my chance!
  He let me play and I was horrible.  However, I loved it... it was like a REALLY mean version of tag. You shoot someone and then run away and they try to find you and shoot you back.  As Stewie Griffin would say "how delightfully evil"!
  My husband had already played through the game and all I wanted to do was "shoot bitches", as it has become known in our house.
  So, I played the team death match online.  I have found one of my new favorite past times!
I've discovered after playing a game for so long you find certain things that just make you enjoy the game even more... and some things that make you hate it at the same time...  I've found not only a great way to remedy this, I've also found a way to combine both my favorite and least favorite parts of the game.
 My favorite part? Stickies.  My least favorite part? riot shields.
  I found a trick while playing one day-- a guy who had already killed me twice was coming at me with a riot shield... in reaction, I stuck a sticky to his shield.

   I must admit, I am one of those a$$holes that you hate- I'm a camper.  More because I'm not very quick, so I'd rather the enemy walk by me and shoot them, rather than run around trying to find them.
   The more I play and more confident I get, the more I get up and run around, instead of camping.  But I find there are still some maps where I prefer to camp anyway.  Either I've got a really good camping spot, or they're just harder for me to navigate.
    My favorite map in Modern Warfare by far is Skidrow.  Skidrow is an abandoned, beat up city, similar to the streets of Chicago, if I had to put a name with the map.  There's a playground in the middle of a parking lot-esc area and on one side is what seems to be a small apartment.
  There's a corner in there, where I can fit between the wall and a washer/dryer. If you turn to the left and aim out the open wall, you can shoot your opponent either right in the face or in the back. Hardly anyone looks in that corner when they run through the room, so you can shoot them in the back, or catch them off guard as they try to run through and shoot them in the face.

  I do have a bone to pick with the makers of all Call Of Duty games, though...  How come I can ONLY be a  WHITE MAN?!  What is up with that?!  You should be able to customize your avitar to be a girl?

    I'll follow this up with a blog about Black Ops in more detail later.
For now, it's a girl's world.. you gamers are just livin' in it!

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