Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Playing while you pee?

When you're in the bathroom you're probably no usually concentrating on getting a high score... well.. most of us aren't.
But a Japanese company has created a game made specifically for urinals. Men can stand at a urinal, select the type of game they want to play and aim their stream at the target.
Instead of a joystick... the guy gets to use his own. And instead of a tv screen, you aim at a bulls eye-esc goal in the urinal. The goal is hooked up to a monitor which shows you how well you are doing and the game ends when you're ammo is gone.
There are a few games you can chose from. In one, your "ammo" plays the part of the wind, trying to blow the dress off of a girl. In another, it is milk coming out of your character's nose and you compete against other people who have used the game you have.
Sad for guys though... these are only in a handful of places in Japan right now and they have not said anything about bring them to the United States.
I have to say, this reminds me of something I read a few years ago where a restaurant owner was putting stickers that looked like flies in the bottom of the urinals... which was keeping the bathrooms cleaner because the guys were focusing on shooting the fly and not getting their urine everywhere.
But, I guarantee you'll never see these in a lady's room! And girls... if you're ever at a place where these games may be, don't take it personal if your man gets up to use the bathroom every 10 minutes, he's trying to beat the high score.

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