Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let's talk portable gaming.

I have the DS... which my husband has stolen. (When the salesman asked me if I wanted the pink one, I nearly hit him.) I had the original gameboy, and I've always kind of wanted to get a PSP, but thought it was too expensive... that and I don't really have anywhere to go that I could play it, except for the occasional longer car ride, when I'm not driving.
But, I'm anxious about the 3DS. Not just because it will neat to see how they've accomplished 3D without the use of glasses, but also because this will cause the whole industry to go into competition mode.
Sony announced their updated version of a PSP, the yet-to-be released NGP. That will have a touch screen, a camera on front and back and a correction to the PSP, two thumb sticks.
There are a handful of games they have announced will be available for the NGP, uncharted, Call of Duty, Killzone, Little Big Planet and others.
Something Sony has finally done that I have been expecting.. they are putting games on in a whole new... yet familiar format- flash memory!
I started wondering a while ago when they would be doing this, and now they have.
One MAJOR down fall to this format-- children. Many of the kids that have DS's or PSPs is that they tend to lose things. Especially things with small pieces. (Which is why I suspect Polly Pocket made so much money.. lets make something with a billion small pieces so the kids will lose the piece and have to buy new... GENIUS!)
So, unless they make each game with a clicker remote that beeps for when you lose them... they're going to make a ton from kids who lose games and have to buy the same ones over and over.
But, I have to imagine that flash memory is also so easy to put together, the cost has to relatively inexpensive comparatively. You would think the same thing for cd's.. but they still cost $50 a game!
Either way, I'm excited to see where the industry is going. Small, inexpensive, lots more memory... and 3D!

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