Monday, March 28, 2011

The New 3DS is out!

On Sunday morning at midnight the new 3DS was officially released in the United States.

Jimmy Fallon had someone show off what the 3DS can do on his show Friday night before the release just 24 hours later. Of course, watching it on tv is nothing like actually playing it because you don't get the 3D effects.

From articles I've read there were lines at midnight at electronic department stores across the country with people ready to get their hands on the first shipments.

An obvious downfall for the system however, is there are few 3D games for the system. So, I'm waiting until there are more games available... that I want to play.

This handheld 3DS costs around $250 off the shelf, but is going for about double that on Ebay and other online electronic selling sites.

USA Today says "Nintendo aims to ship 4 million 3DS systems globally by the end of March. On Feb. 26, the first day it was available in Japan, consumers bought more than 400,000. The system also launches in Europe on Friday."

So, the system isn't even global yet. Although I have heard little from actual users, I would like to. If you've gotten your hands on one of these 3DS', I'd like to talk to you!

It's a girl's world... you gamers are just living in it!

Angry Birds.... movie trailer

Have you seen this? A "movie trailer" for the game Angry Birds "movie". Looks like it has the "action" and the love story too... they even got the best action director... Michael Bay.

It's pretty funny... marketing as a war movie. It is a spoof and it starts out serious and quickly falls apart. Especially when the corporal is asked "is this a game to you?"... umm... no... or... uhh.. yes?

My favorite part is where the bird hits the brick. You gotta see this!

I've seen lots of Angry Birds merchandise, I guess you'd call it. I've seen an interactive Angry Birds cake, I hear it's going to become a board game... and now, apparently an action movie.

It's a girl's world.. you gamers are just livin in it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

talking into a ghost? I don't think so.

A man in Japan, who likes to clone himself with a droid, has made an 8 inch ghost-looking doll which he says will be used to talk to your friends and family.

The ghosty looking fetus-thing will "emit" your presents as you download your face and features onto your ghosty phone thing and when you use it to call someone else, your presents goes into their phone and they can see and hear you... as this little doll.

I don't know all the ins and outs of it.. but this seems too strange for me.

I don't think I'd like to hold a doll-phone to talk to someone. I can't imagine this little thing talking back to me. Seems creepy.