Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hannibal on NBC.... maybe not for long.

So, when I saw that NBC was creating a Hannibal tv show, I was quiet excited.  I thought more audiences that understand the Hannibal Lector character as well as I feel I have (after seeing Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal over 20 times each and the abomination that is Hannibal rising).  The audience won’t fear him as an animalistic killer and will understand his “reasoning” and his motives in a better light. 
However, it seems that the writers of the show have never seen a Hannibal Lector movie before or had never sat down to think about the character.  They should have at the VERY least talked to Anthony Hopkins before writing a story using the names from the movies- but having no actual connection to the movies.  It is clear the writers DO NOT understand Dr. Hannibal Lector.
On the new show Hannibal, they make him seem like an animal.  He is not.  He is a psychopath... what he does, he does for a reason... and a very good reason.  In the tv show, in the very first episode, he kills and eats the people because it's convenient... he knows he can get away with it by copying another killer and then eating the organs of the people he has killed.
In ANY movie did Dr. Lector do that?!  NO!  When he had an opportunity to kill someone that was convenient, did he? As with Mason Verger.... No.  He tore up his face and fed it to the dogs.  He did not kill him and eat his organs... and he had the perfect opportunity to do so.
Also, he calls the suspect and tells them that the cops are coming… Lector helps the police to catch them- he would never call them to help them get away.
My other qualm with the show? Will Graham is depicted as being awesome at his job because he has some sort of mental illness, which makes him have no empathy and allows him to better understand the “killer”.
Okay- NO.  This is wrong on SO many levels.
First- not that it’s a bad thing, but in Red Dragon Ed Norton’s Will Graham has no mental handicap.
Second, I find it appalling that NBC would insinuate that people with mental disabilities are killers… or that is the reason they are killers… or that that is the reason they are “good” at killing and torturing people.
Third, in the movie Red Dragon, Graham shows lots of empathy.  The part where Dolarhyde has his son at gun point and he he’s telling his son to calm down—he is using empathy- from the time when Hannibal stabs him with an arrow- he knows what it’s like to have someone breathing down your neck, wanting you dead.  He’s using his empathy from that situation from that to help his son.
But- beyond that…  at one point in Red Dragon, Will Graham tells his wife Molly that his “gift” is a curse, not a blessing… and it keeps him up at night.  In Hannibal the tv show, they seem to lay Graham’s “gift” on mental illness and not his unique thought process and way to connect things that other or most detectives do not.
The one bright spot is Lawrence Fishburn plays Jack Crawford’s ass of a character very well.  He’s a little too hot headed… but they’ve got time to flesh him out.
I just hope that the writers change how they are portraying the characters, or I’m not going to make it past episode 2 and that’s not going to help their ratings- and they Hannibal will be pulled before May.