Monday, January 21, 2013

The war in hand held gaming

The Play Station Vita, PSP, the Nintendo WiiU, the the Nintendo DSi and 3DS... with so many choices in handheld gaming... how do you know which is right for you?
I'll try to compare all of these devices in the best way I can, breaking it down to price, features and games.
Well... in this economy most people look at price before buying anything more expensive than a gallon of milk (and some times even then).  (All prices new)
PS Vita: $249
WiiU $299 & up (basic 8GB bundle)
3DS  $99 & up
DSi $99 &  up

The Vita is cross platform compatible with your PS3 and is internet capable so you can add a movie to your Netflix queue in between rounds of BlackOps (which comes with the Bundle) or download a game to the device. It is also compatible with over 250 games for the PSP and 100 PSOne titles.  The Vita also has 2 cameras and can sense when you move the device having "six axis motion sensors".  Not only is the screen large, but it's also a touchscreen and this device also has the benefit of two analog sticks.

The WiiU is also compatable with your Wii- but one distinguishable factor: the controller of the WiiU can play the same game as someone playing on the Wii.  In most cases with WiiU games, it's what's called "the second screen".  You are playing on the television, using the WiiU mainly as a controller- however, with the large screen on the controller, you can also- or solely use the screen on the controller.  In some games the screen on the controller has different things and icons than the television- or you can choose to be against the person playing the Wii on the television.  The WiiU does not have a camera, but it is a touch screen.  Allowing you to play several different people one game, either together or against each other at once.

The 3DS has two screens- one on top and one on bottom.  It is internet ready, however is not compatible with any other device... except other DS's. The bottom screen is a touch screen and there is an analog stick. However, the 3DS has a feature that no other handheld device has: 3D.  This means very little obviously, other than being a neat feature.  The 3DS has a camera, which allows you to take pictures and add you and your friends into your games.

DSi is very similar to the 3DS, except it does not have 3D and it has two cameras.

Currently there are tons of  games out for the Vita (if you include the ones that can also be played on the PSP & PSone), with at least 10 more due out in the first quarter of 2013.  Some of the bigger games that are currently out for the Vita are BlackOps (which comes with some bundles), The Walking Dead game and Devil May Cry.

For the WiiU there are a total of 85 games out (65 actual games and 20 downloadables) and there are more than a dozen set to come out in the first quarter of 2013.  Some of the games out currently are: NBA 2K1, Sonic & All Stars Racing, New Super Mario Bros. U.

3DS and DSi have a mirad of games out, since they have been out for more than a year each.  Some of the games for the 3DS/DSi: Any game for the DS basically: Plants v. Zombies (who DOESN'T want that game?!), Mario Kart 7, Sonic & All Stars Racing.
Game made specifically for the 3D feature? Super Mario3D Land

Of course at most gaming stores you can buy a used system at a slightly lower price, but not much.  The other issue is the price of the games.  Most of the games for the Vita and the WiiU are the same price as a game for the console (generally $50+).  But the games for the DS are usually a little less expensive, usually around $30.