Saturday, July 9, 2011

Transformers 3: Why this movie will break up relationships

Okay, so we all know that Transformers 3 is one of the most anticipated action movies of the summer.

But, what we don't all know is that this movie is one of the best made movies of the year... that's because it seems the action movie makers have FINALLY figured out how to make the movie a draw for women as well.... ADD A HOT BAD GUY!

Yes, there is a hidden gem for the ladies in this movie: Patrick Dempsey, a.k.a. Doctor McDreamy is the bad guy! Yes ladies, you have a reason to go to the movie with your man and LOVE IT... Actually, forget your man, go with your girlfriends!

So, now that they've finally got the equation for a GREAT Blockbuster movie that EVERYONE will want to see, will they stick with it? Probably not, sadly.

However, while attending the movie, obviously I was rooting for McDrea... I mean Dempsey & the bad guys. Which, while I was telling Patrick Dempsey to punch Shia LaBeouf in the face... my husband was scowling at me and contemplating leaving me at the theater.

This movie may cause a few break ups, because of this. The girls rooting for the bad guys and of course, the guys reverting back to being 5 and rooting for the transformers.

All in all, the CGIs were great and the action scenes were tense... especially with the added tension of Dempsey in a fight fight and me... rooting for the bad guy.

Also, look for the foreshadowing in the beginning... if you're paying attention, you'll get it. But if not, you may miss it. There's also a very unadvertised star in the movie as well... he only does a voice, but his is one that you'll notice right away. Sorry, no spoilers. Go see it for yourself... and a word to the wise: don't got with a date of the opposite sex.. and if you do, don't take it personally. Both sexes get eye candy in this movie.