Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is it possible there could be no COD release in November?

I have heard due to court disputes there could cause COD NOT to be released in November! Say it ain't so!

I know, like myself, you are probably also heartbroken by this.

I also know, you probably didn't heed my last blog where I said we should all protest Sony and not play once the PlayStation Network was back up and running again... because even I didn't take my own advice.

However, I'm going to say it again... we should protest and NOT play. I have convinced my husband not to buy the expansion maps for the current COD, but having already put money on the COD to come out in November, there's no way I'm not going to play it when it actually does come out. But, if they're going to fight over money then they should be protested against... it should be about making your customers happy-- not about money... but that's just this girl's take.