Sunday, May 8, 2011


So Sony recently had a breech in security... it has now been in "maintenance" mode for TWO WEEKS! I think that's a bit much!
What is the deal with not letting me play black ops online?
I know there are about 2.2 Million people on Play Station Network. And that means Sony has a LOT of unhappy customers.
I say we PS Netters take a stand... give them an ultimatum... If they don't have it up and running by May, Friday the 13th... we'll call it PS Network death day... have a funeral and find a new console to play on..
Maybe I'll dust off our Wii... my husband got some Wii Points for Christmas.. maybe we'll use those.
Sony... I get you're trying to "fix" the problem, but you should always have a patch, back up or plan B in your back pocket anyway. Hopefully this black eye will go away soon... but gamers have long memories!